Thursday, October 10, 2002

Senator Byrd Has Much Heart & Soul

Demacratic Senator Robert Byrd, from West Virginia, probably has more love and compassion for his country than most of his peers. And I enjoy watching him hold forth on CSPAN most every day. He carries, most notably, in his breast pocket, a respectively worn copy of his beloved constitution. And whips it out to prove many a point when speaking about our country going to war with Iraq.

He acknowledges that the minds are already made up and it's just a matter of course before Bush gets Senate approval for his Iraq resolution. But it's not because Senator Byrd hasn't tried to change the minds of his fellow senators. When I first began watching Senator Byrd, his trembling fingers pulling out the constitution every 15 minutes, to make his point, I thought him almost comical. He reminded me of a doddering old great uncle that you barely tolerate. And my satirical mind was reminded of a drinking game I could play while watching the senators in session. We'd all take a drink each time Senator Byrd retrieved his copy of the constitution. A person could get pretty wiped out by the time he finished speaking.

But after really 'listening' to him speak so passionately about the US and the respect he has for it's very core and foundation of laws, I couldn't disrespect him by playing a drinking game. He was one of the first to speak out against resident Bush. He was responsible for instigating the legislative rally to call/email/fax your Senators and Representatives this past weekend. He's a very intelligent and articulate man who marches to the beat of his own drum. The junior senators could learn a lot from Senator Byrd. Both republican and democrat. Here's the link to Senator Byrd's official home page. You'll find there documents that he's highlighted showing the US had provided Iraq with the building blocks for it's biological weapons program.


Sex With A Twist?

Australian scientists believe they have rediscovered an effective use for lemon juice -- as a contraceptive and also a killer of the AIDS virus.

Reproductive physiologist Roger Short, from the University of Melbourne's obstetrics department, said a few drops of lemon juice can be a cheap, easy-to-use solution to protect women from both HIV and pregnancy.

The juice should be squeezed onto a piece of sponge or cotton wool and placed into the vagina before sex, he said.

The 'easy bake coven' is going to take the high road today and make no further comments. [But I sure do have a sore tongue from biting it too hard...!]

Star Gazing In Asheville

The hottest new hobby in town is stargazing, as in looking for Robert Redford and Willem Dafoe, who are in Asheville shooting the movie thriller "The Clearing."

Last Thursday night, the legendary Redford dined outdoors at the popular Cafe on the Square on Pack Square, where he enjoyed the special, mahi-mahi, said restaurant owner Tracy Adler. It was his second time at the cafe. Pack Square is where most protests and people watching are found, too.

"...people were very kind, they didn't interrupt him much. And he was so polite. When we asked how was his meal, he turned in his seat, sat back and said, `Everything has been delightful.' That's class."

Meanwhile, on Friday, the respected character actor Dafoe was spotted on Hendersonville Road near Biltmore Village, filming a scene involving a bus. And a few days ago, the crew shot a scene in the Asheville Civic Center parking structure, said publicist Joan Eisenberg. As I've said before, it's a closed set, so the rare occasions we get a glimpse of RR is special indeed. We've grown pretty used to seeing the gorgeous Andie MacDowell around town, after she got married here and moved her family down here from Montana a few years ago.


Wednesday, October 9, 2002

Anyone See David Sedaris On Letterman?

I was reminded of it when I saw a link on metafilter. He stood center stage and read a story he'd written for Esquire Magazine. He was asked to write about Men's Accessories and chose to write about colostomy bags. He was hysterically funny. You may have heard David on NPR. His sister, Amy, is also hilarious. I began following her when I first saw her in Comedy Central's, 'Strangers With Candy', as Jerry Blank.


Tuesday, October 8, 2002

Bob Dylan kicked off his fall tour Friday in Seattle behind the piano. The first show of the premature Warren Zevon memorial tour--Bob played Zevon's "Accidentally Like a Martyr," "Boom Boom Mancini," and "Mutineer." Also did "Brown Sugar"--go figure. For the first half dozen songs he played keyboards, then alternated between keys and guitar. Also played some harmonica. It was not the same old show--opened with "Solid Rock" rather than a folk cover, and was less acoustic overall. Thankfully, no "Silvio." A very weird "Heaven's Door" near the end. From a poster on the site. His tour schedule and set list can be seen here.


Monday, October 7, 2002

We had a local [Asheville, NC] protest last night that I went to for a couple of hours. There was a representative from Not In Our Name, that helped organize it. We only had a few hundred there, but got some local media attention, so that was pretty good.


Letter To My Senators, Representative

Our country is facing a major crisis. Bush wants a blank check to do what he pleases without consultation with Congress, the UN, or our allies. The repercussions could be catastrophic.

War is always horrible. Beyond that, U.S. credibility as a moral leader would be shattered. We would set a pre- emptive strike precedent for petty dictators everywhere. We would alienate the entire Muslim world. Conflict in the Middle East, the root cause of Sept. 11 in the first place, would worsen.

Most Americans have little understanding of how astoundingly isolated we are becoming. Bush appears to some Americans like a courageous, go-it-alone leader. To most of the world, and to me, his strategy appears foolish, shortsighted and very dangerous.

It appears that Bush is set on war at any cost. In a democracy we have an obligation to speak up, no matter how powerless or cynical we may feel. The slim hope for a more rational and multi-lateral approach to Iraq lies with an uprising of American voices that say: "No war on Iraq without explicit UN backing."

Thanks for your consideration,


Asheville, NC

[Letter already made up for some petition. It reflects my viewpoints.]

This Blogburst is an effort started by Barry at to flood the appropriate officials with our "Say No To Iraq" messages. All the letters we sent/faxed/emailed will also be published on that site in the Open Letters section. If you haven't already done so, you'll find on the Amptoons site [under Resources on the right, "Stop the Rush to War"] many letters already composed and ready for you. Just add your name and click----and you've sent a letter to your senator! It couldn't be any simpler.


Sunday, October 6, 2002

Do You Remember Your First Time....Voting?

The November 5 elections are not far away. In North Carolina, you have until October 11 to register to vote. I proudly registered to vote when I was 20 years old and they had just lowered the voting age to 18. [It had been 21] Since my friends and school mates were being drafted at 18, we raised so much hell about being able to go off and fight in a war at 18, but not being able to vote until you're 21. So it got changed in a hurry. I voted for McGovern, a Democrat and left-wing liberal---[before it was a bad word], for President. Against Richard M Nixon. How could you not?


Saturday, October 5, 2002

TO ME!!!

I just have this huge stupid grin on my face today that I cannot wipe off. It's like a big sense of relief. Instead of a feeling of impending doom. Because it IS a big deal to turn 50 years old. I sure never thought I'd make it this far. So it's all gravy from here on out....!

UPDATE: Thank you so much for your good wishes. I take them to the center of my heart.


Friday, October 4, 2002


I've been consistently getting errors with each post on Blogspot for the past 3 or 4 weeks. Each and every post. I have to post each one about 4 or 5 times before it shows up. I have a private blogspot site I was working on and it worked fine-------without archives! So I went into "Settings", and change the "Yes" on archives to "No Archives" and each post goes out effortlessly. The way it was intended. I think the archives mess up blogspot more than anything. I don't have my archives anymore, but what the hell? I just may blow this pop-sicle stand someday.....


Activism Alert

Monday, the House members who have been against the Bush resolution are going to give the COUNT of those who have called e-mailed or faxed. Please let your voice be heard:

All the Representative Web Sites

All the Senator's Web Sites

I've just emailed Senators Jesse Helms and John Edwards, and my Representative, Charles Taylor about the Iraqi resolution. No matter how you feel about this issue, speak out. Your voice will actually be counted and given great consideration. Our leaders need specifics, not rumors.


Thursday, October 3, 2002

Oops, Did I Say That Out Loud?

Ari Fleischer, during a press conference Tuesday, commented when asked about the projected billions it'd cost the US, ''I can only say that the cost of a one-way ticket is substantially less than that,'' Fleischer said. ''The cost of one bullet, if the Iraqi people take it on themselves, is substantially less than that.'' He's saying that exile or an assasination is cheaper than us going to Iraq.

Oh, Ari. Methinks you fucked up. You know that when he left he bent over and invited the other minions to kick his lily-white ass. He's always so in control and careful not to let anything slip. Or did he intentionally plant these seeds in our minds? Probably. [via: Boston Globe]


Aaron from Uppity Negro had a post about 'The Firesign Theatre'. I haven't heard their fun stuff in ages. They're a comedy group that put out albums in the late 60's-early 70's [going strictly from memory here]. As far as I know, their satire was listened to while we were doing halucinogens or smoking weed. I don't remember if I heard them in high school or not, but remember playing their album in the dorm and screaming in fits of laughter. has them for several upcoming performances. Knowing Firesign Theatre lyrics was a sort of litmus test of how aware you were at that time of free love and Vietnam and getting high. Just as good music [Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Stones, Clapton] was the back drop of that era.


Wake-Up Call

If the US and Iraq do go to war, there can only be one winner, can't there? Maybe not. This summer, in a huge rehearsal of just such a conflict - and with retired Lieutenant General Paul Van Riper playing Saddam - the US lost. Julian Borger asks the former marine how he did it. This post was in the Guardian [UK] on Sept 6, but I don't recall hearing anything about it. This is a fascinating story. Take a look at it. more>>
[link found:]


Gore Says Bush Policies Damage Economy

Former Vice President Al Gore charged Wednesday that President George W. Bush's economic policies, as much as the Sept. 11 terrorist attack, have damaged the U.S. economy and that the administration's unwillingness to change could allow the world economy to spiral into recession. I'm reminded of the Emperor's New Clothes story for some reason every time Gore holds forth. And never in a million years thought Al Gore would be the most outspoken political figure that we have. Testify, Al. Everyone else is still stuttering. [via:]


Wednesday, October 2, 2002

I Don't Wanna Talk About Keith

Mick Jagger said when asked about Keith's disgust with Mick's title from the Queen this summer. 60 Minutes' Ed Bradley was backstage last week with the Stones and he filmed and interviewed the guys. Keith has always been true to the Rolling Stones' image and all that it entails, while Mick has walked the fence of 'rock's hell-raiser' vs 'international playboy'. How could you not change somewhat over 40 years together? That's longer than most marriages last. Fussing and bitching off-stage, and coming together when they step on stage. I'm just glad they're still doing it after all these years. Keith did admit he gets some type of 'satisfaction' over ribbing Mick sometimes. But Mick doesn't want to talk about it. [Also see]


The post below was taken from William Burton's site and I agree that arguing with conservatives usually comes down to this one come back from them:

Although I do appreciate comments and emails from dissenting points of view, I feel the need to make the follwing public service announcement to all conservatives:

Stop Thinking About Bill Clinton's Penis. You know it's not healthy to be that obsessed with the privates of someone you despise. All it does it get you riled up into a frenzy of hatred and rage. Take a deep breath and repeat after me:

Bill Clinton's Penis did not cause tech stocks to collapse

Bill Clinton's Penis did not loot WorldCom or Enron

Bill Clinton's Penis was not responsible for Sept 11th

Bill Clinton's Penis was not the reason girls wouldn't date you in high school

Bill Clinton's Penis was not responsible for Rush's TV show being cancelled

Bill Clinton's Penis does not want to take away your guns

Bill Clinton's Penis did not kill Randy Weaver's family

Bill Clinton's Penis is not shipping domestic manufacturing jobs overseas

Bill Clinton's Penis is not the reason your boss is a penis

Bill Clinton's Penis did not convince your wife to fuck the tennis pro

And, last but not least, Roe v Wade has nothing to do with Bill Clinton's Penis

[via:] He's not had his site very long, but writes with great style, class and intelligence and wit. Can you tell he's one of my favorite daily stops on the blogging trail?


Power To The People

The only reason -- the only reason -- that Congressional Democrats this past week started speaking out, in more than their previously token numbers, against an invasion is because they have been deluged with phone calls, faxes, and e-mails expressing the public's opposition. Polls show widespread doubt; Congressional office intake valves, a measure of the people passionate enough to contact their public officials, has been running more than 90% against invasion. Allowing more time for anti-war opposition to build, and, of course, more time during election season for Dubya to insert his size 238 cowboy boots into his mouth on a daily basis.

BlogBurst on Monday, October 7th

There is a groundswelling of bloggers led by Barry at that are addressing their congress people on October 7, Monday. This will be done by writing a letter to said person and also posting it on your blog site. This is also the anniversary of our first attack on Afghanistan. If you don't want to write, call or fax them. And if Monday doesn't work for you, Sunday is fine. As the post above shows, recent speaking out against going to war has definitely been heard.


Tuesday, October 1, 2002

Weird Searchs That People Use To Get Here

Little Teens Pissing Porn Pics - not sure how that correlates

Susan - although I was #38 in their list of Susan's

Nice Ass - I happen to have both words on my site, but not together

look for big O' ass - can someone see my ass or something?

Look at my ass

Ass f*cking girls

Anyone wanna bet it's because of what's at the top of my web page? I just checked my sitemeter and looked where google and other searchs have been performed to get here. About half of the searchs are looking for some ass. Uh-huh.


A Little Bowie

David Bowie will launch the seven-date New York City Marathon tour Oct. 11 on Staten Island. []

Playful Rolling Stones End N.Y. Concert Trilogy

Blues guitarist Jonny Lang opened the Roseland show, and I think combining Lang with the Stones and you almost have the concert of the year. The Pretenders opened the other two NY shows. In all, the group played 47 different songs over the three shows, with only "Start Me Up,'' "Honky Tonk Women,'' "Brown Sugar'' and "Jumpin' Jack Flash'' common to all three. They don't stick rigorously to a set list, and sometime resurrect an old nugget from the past. Like "She Smiled Sweetly" from 1967's "Between The Buttons". They will be back to New York for three shows at Madison Square Garden in mid-January.


Are We Fearful For Our Mistakes?

"Iraq's bioweapons program was started with help from Uncle Sam two decades ago, according to government records that are being reexamined in light of the discussion of war against Iraq. The CDC and a biological sample company, the American Type Culture Collection, sent strains of all the germs Iraq used to make weapons, including anthrax, the bacteria that make botulinum toxin, and the germs that cause gas gangrene, the records show. Iraq also got samples of other deadly pathogens, including the West Nile virus." [via:]



The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror VIII


It wasn't long after 9/11, September 11, 2001, that I began this website. I felt compelled to connect with other people around the globe. I had recently heard about "weblogs" or "blogs" and I dove right into I searched for others to connect with online and I found Ageless. It led to meeting many great friends to discuss events of the day. From then on it snowballed. Most importantly we offered one another support and friendship across the globe; finding that we were just a few keystrokes away.


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