Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Thank you Lt. Ehren Watada for standing up for international, US and military law by refusing to deploy to Iraq in support of the ongoing illegal war and occupation.

"I refuse to be silent any longer. I refuse to watch families torn apart, while the President tells us to "stay the course." ...I refuse to be party to an illegal and immoral war against people who did nothing to deserve our aggression. I wanted to be there for my fellow troops. But the best way was not to help drop artillery and cause more death and destruction. It is to help oppose this war and end it so that all soldiers can come home."
- LT, US Army officer

First U.S. military officer to publicly refuse orders in support of the illegal Iraq War at coordinated events in Tacoma, Washington and Honolulu, Hawaii on Wedensday, June 7th. Join this unprecedented political and legal support campaign today!

Thank You LT
Sign The Petition
Courage To Resist


nina h.pixie Thu Jun 08, 04:17:00 PM EDT  

Yeah, right on for him! I heard the interview w/him this morning on Democracy Now. Gonna post at Olla, too, spread the word. Word!


The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror VIII


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