Sunday, November 2, 2003

What Bush Won't Say and Blotter Acid Art. Both guaranteed to blow your mind.

If I Were Bush's Speechwriter
By CBS News Correspondent Andy Rooney
[click for video]

"... I probably shouldn't have said Iraq had nuclear weapons. Our guys and the U.N. have looked under every bed in Iraq and can't find one."

"In one speech, I told you Saddam Hussein tried to buy the makings of nuclear bombs from Africa. That was a mistake and I wish I hadn't said that. I get bad information sometimes just like you do..."

"On May 1, I declared major combat was over and gave you the impression the war was over. I shouldn't have declared that. Since then, 215 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq. As the person who sent them there, how terrible do you think that makes me feel?"

"...When I landed on the deck of the carrier, I wish they hadn't put up the sign saying MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. It isn't accomplished. Maybe it should have been MISSION IMPOSSIBLE."

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Blotter (LSD)Art

Lycaeum link seen on Ollapodrida.

Due to recent cutbacks and until further notice, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.



The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror VIII


It wasn't long after 9/11, September 11, 2001, that I began this website. I felt compelled to connect with other people around the globe. I had recently heard about "weblogs" or "blogs" and I dove right into I searched for others to connect with online and I found Ageless. It led to meeting many great friends to discuss events of the day. From then on it snowballed. Most importantly we offered one another support and friendship across the globe; finding that we were just a few keystrokes away.


    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view

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