Saturday, February 8, 2003

» Dave Barry has a note about four Cuban Coast Guard guys defecting to the shores of Key West yesterday. "We are aware of the situation and we will have coment on the matter later this afternoon," said Robert Zimmerman, a spokesman for the U.S. State Department. Aren't the Marines looking for a few good men?

» About 30 naked women lay down in the snow in Central Park yesterday forming the words 'No Bush'.

» More reasons why Bill O'Reilly got my "Dickhead Award" last week. Thursday, he referred to Mexicans as "wetbacks". Unbelieveable. And he interviewd Jeremy Glick last week, whose father lost his life in the 9/11 tragedy. After a heated discussion, he told Jeremy to "Shut up", and asked the staff to cut off his mic, when Glick was trying to make his point.

» Powell Offers Proof of Saddam-Osama Link
by Gil Christner.
"6 degrees? Fah!" said Ahmad Abul Gheit, the delegate from Egypt. "I can get from Saddam to Osama in 5 people! Including Madonna!"

» What Liberal Media? The new book by Eric Alterman, of The Nation and MSNBC, explores the truth about bias in the news. Will he be invited to speak about his book on all the biased television shows? I believe CNN has been the only station to have him on. But Fox and MSNBC will have him this week, according to Eschaton.

» Former President Bill Clinton joins the Rolling Stones at the Staples Center, Thursday, Feb. 6, 2003 where the Stones turned a free concert into an effort to raise awareness about global warming.

» Quote Of The Day
There is no real evidence. There is no smoking gun. There isn't even a smoking spit wad. There is only, basically, a smoking middle finger.
~Mark Morford

Remember Creem Magazine? It's back online, complete with archives from 1969-1988. It's not quite as comprehensive as I'd hoped. But it's not been online that long either.



The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror VIII


It wasn't long after 9/11, September 11, 2001, that I began this website. I felt compelled to connect with other people around the globe. I had recently heard about "weblogs" or "blogs" and I dove right into I searched for others to connect with online and I found Ageless. It led to meeting many great friends to discuss events of the day. From then on it snowballed. Most importantly we offered one another support and friendship across the globe; finding that we were just a few keystrokes away.


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