Wednesday, January 22, 2003

Remember 'Twister' the old game of limb bending fame? It's now been developed to play online using just your fingers and a keyboard. I wasn't very successful at it, though.

I've heard of beanie babies, but I'd never seen 'boner babies' before now. The ad says, "These anatomically absurd dolls stand nearly 9 inches tall, and are ALWAYS happy to see you!"
Don't be mistaken, My name isn't Flipper
Just wait till ya see, What I got in my "Zipper"!

You can view a few clips from the new Dylan movie, 'Masked And Anonymous', here; also contains more info on the movie. Must have Quicktime. It also stars Luke Wilson, Mickey Rourke, John Goodman, Cheech Marin, Jessica Lange, Val Kilmer, Penelope Cruz, and others. What a gathering of good people this is.

Some Ebay webloggers have their own blog now.

I gave you a brand new Ford
and you just said I want a Cadillac
I bought you a ten dollar dinner
You said Thanks for the snack
I let you live in my penthouse
You said it was just a shack
I gave you seven children
and now you wanna give 'em back
~B B King, "How Blue Can You Get?"

Quote Of The Day
There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~Anaïs Nin



The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror VIII


It wasn't long after 9/11, September 11, 2001, that I began this website. I felt compelled to connect with other people around the globe. I had recently heard about "weblogs" or "blogs" and I dove right into I searched for others to connect with online and I found Ageless. It led to meeting many great friends to discuss events of the day. From then on it snowballed. Most importantly we offered one another support and friendship across the globe; finding that we were just a few keystrokes away.


    Blue Ridge Mtns-click for larger view

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