Atheist Myths Debunked by Amanda Marcotte

Sunday, April 19, 2015

It’s not just a white dude thing — and 9 other myths religious people have about atheists, debunked

Amanda Marcotte
9) Atheists have no way to cope after losing loved ones without the belief in an afterlife. The belief that religion has sole ownership over death is so ingrained that it often causes believers to behave in inappropriate ways toward grieving atheists, using the occasion of a loved one’s death to try to coax us into taking up religion. Some believers who do this are openly predatory, but some mean well, and simply can’t imagine how atheists cope without telling ourselves pretty stories about an afterlife. Atheists have every right to be skeptical of the argument that belief in the afterlife quiets the pain of grief. After all, many religions teach that the dead person could be burning forever in hell, which can cause far more anxiety than relief.


Lima Sun Apr 19, 02:38:00 PM EDT  

The Scythians had the best way to deal with the loss of loved ones. Smoke cannabis in their honour.

I can only hope that people do this when I die.


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