Burmese Junta Sees Satellite TV as Threat

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Burmese Junta Sees Satellite TV as Threat

The Burmese junta believes information technology, particularly satellite TV, is a decadent threat that undermines nationalism and has warned the people to avoid satellite TV programs.

On Tuesday, the junta-controlled newspapers, The New Light of Myanmar, Myanma Alin and The Mirror, published a commentary blasting satellite TV.

When the junta found they couldn't stop satellite in Burma forever they ordered a massive hike in the annual satellite TV license fee. The license fee was increased 166-fold.

Those who couldn't afford satellite (most people) went to teashops. The teashops began doing better business.


"We want to see a time when citizens of Burma and the Nobel prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi can live freely in their own country,"

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State

You can't hide the truth forever. What a happy day it will be when democracy finally comes to Myanmar (Burma).



The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror VIII


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