Thursday, January 8, 2009

Kucinich Raises Questions about Military Aid to Israel

Despite a rising death and injury toll, U-S government reaction to the conflict in Gaza has been slow, with few lawmakers making public statements about the crisis, including President Elect Barack Obama. But a former presidential contender - Ohio Congressmember Dennis Kucinich - took his time on the House floor today to raise questions about the U-S relationship with Israel - whether or not continued military aid to the county is a violation of the Arms Export Control Act.

Representative Dennis Kucinich: "I oppose Hamas' rocket attacks on Israel. The rocket attacks, even to try to end the blockade, have no moral justification, are illegal and must stop. But how can Israel claim self defense when it bombs Gaza which has no army, no air force, no navy and has been under a constant blockade? How can Israel claim self defense when its bombs destroy UN schools, killing children? The children of Palestinians and the children of Israel both deserve life. But the lives of the children of Gaza are cynically discounted as "human shields".

Dennis Kucinich is no stranger to being the lone voice of dissidence in Washington, DC. By the way, I'd like to see him get a respectable Obama appointment.




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