Stay On 17

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Stay On 17
or Things My Father Taught Me

For those who've emailed, etc, about the Black Jack (or 21) tips my Dad told me that helped Linda in Vegas last week, it's really pretty much law of averages common sense:

*Always hit on 16 or lower and stay on 17 and above*

My Dad was a Goodyear exec but he had a few standing poker nights each week that probably brought in more money. He'd come into our room late at night and give my sister and I some cash and say, "Don't tell your Mother".

I'm not sure if he meant don't tell your Mother I gave you girls $100 or don't tell your Mother I came home with a shitload of money.

I sure do miss him. He passed away 18 years ago. I think Gin Rummy was the first card game he showed me how to play. Good times... I bet people hardly even play cards nowadays.


nina h.pixie Fri Aug 01, 03:20:00 PM EDT  

hey there susan :) my dad taught me gin rummy too and we still play it every once and a while although he can barely see the cards anymore ;)

heartfelt goodthoughts to you, this was a nice post to read. xoxo


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