Abuse of Power in Asheville?

Friday, August 17, 2007

Abuse of Power in Asheville?

What's wrong with a little harmless "freeway blogging" around Asheville? Apparently a whole lot.

Go read the story about an Asheville couple's experience when they held up a sign on an overpass Wednesday.

There's the police department's take on it, ACLU's involved, and AC-T came calling last night.

Police said Thursday that it would change charges against a man who held an "Impeach Bush, Cheney" sign from a bridge over Interstate 240. link

*** X-posted to Around Asheville who has been following the incident since Wednesday and has daily updates on the story.***

Everyone appears to be searching for charges to file against Jonas, Asheville's Freeway Blogger. If you have to confab, search and scrounge for a charge, wouldn't it be much simpler just to let it go? Yeah, that'll happen.


Julie Fri Aug 17, 11:39:00 PM EDT  

That's shocking really. Sadly, it's quite common these days I think. When is the next presidential election???

Father Luke Tue Aug 21, 04:37:00 AM EDT  

The election will be
in November of

- -

F a t h e r L u k e

Sudeaux Lux Tue Aug 21, 08:04:00 PM EDT  

Thanks, Daddy-O. Good link!


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