Thursday, November 2, 2006

Hacking Democracy

I just finished watching the HBO documentary Hacking Democracy. This cautionary documentary exposes the vulnerability of computers - which count approximately 80% of America's votes in county, state and federal elections - suggesting that if our votes aren't safe, then our democracy isn't safe either. Premieres Thursday, November 2 at 9pm. It's fair. It's objective. And you won't soon forget it.

In 2002, Seattle grandmother and writer Bev Harris asked officials in her county why they had acquired electronic touch screen systems for their elections. Unsatisfied with their explanation, she set out to learn about electronic voting machines on her own. In the course of her research, which unearthed hundreds of reported incidents of mishandled voting information, Harris stumbled across an "online library" of the Diebold Corporation - which counted more than 40 percent of the presidential votes nationwide in 2000 - discovering a treasure trove of information about the inner-workings of the company's voting system.

Just think of how much pride we put into casting our individual votes. If you get HBO, try to catch a rerun of this documentary.

For more, see Bev Harris' Black Box Voting website.


Anonymous Fri Nov 03, 01:58:00 AM EST  

Sooooo glad to see you back!

No TV here, just internet. I'm a nerd, ya know.

If only our votes were handwritten and hand-counted....


The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror VIII


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